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President Truman and Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt

This black and white photograph shows former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and two representatives of the 4-H Club presenting a United Nations flag to President Truman at the White House. Truman appointed Mrs. Roosevelt to the first American delegation to the United Nations in 1947, and during her service, she chaired the committee which wrote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. She was also the chair of the National Citizen's Committee for United Nations Day. When the Korean conflict broke out in 1950, supplies of United Nations flags were low. The 4-H organization stepped in to provide patterns and kits to make flags to boost support for the UN and the Korean War. One of these flags was presented to Truman by 4-H members Mary Ann Long and Charlotte Ingram in the Rose Garden.
Date of Work
September 7, 1950
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum/NARA