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Presidential Sites Summit 2022: Presidential Mourning and Tragedy: Interpreting and Remembering

Presidential Sites Summit 2022: Presidential Mourning and Tragedy: Interpreting and Remembering

This photograph by Grant Miller was taken on March 17, 2022 at the Presidential Sites Summit. The Summit was hosted by the White House Historical Association and took place in Dallas, Texas from March 15 to March 17. Held every two years, the Summit included attendees from institutions all over the country and from across the spectrum of the historical profession to discuss key issues and consider the latest trends in topics ranging from operations to outreach and interpretation.

The second session on March 17 was titled, "Presidential Mourning and Tragedy: Interpreting and Remembering." The session featured historians and presenters that have planned presidential funeral services and manage sites that discuss presidential tragedies. Speakers included Stewart McLaurin, John Heubusch, Jean Becker, Louis Picone, and Nicola Longford.

Grant Miller
Grant Miller for the White House Historical Association