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Unraveling the Dolley Myths

The spirit of Dolley Madison is everywhere in the blocks surrounding the White House. She lived at 1333 F Street, in the White House, in the Octagon House, and in a former row house in the 2000 block of Pennsylvania Avenue. But nowhere in Washington do visitors better imagine Dolley than at her residence across from Saint John’s Church. Here is wh

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Provoked by Pearl Harbor

President Franklin D. Roosevelt called Sunday, December 7, 1941, a day that would "live in infamy," for on that day the Empire of Japan launched a surprise attack against the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor. Within a day the United States was at war with Japan, and only three days later with Japan's Axis allies, Germany and Italy. Great Britain,

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A Literary Viewpoint

As the home of America's chief political authority and leading diplomatic figure, the White House has long opened its doors to prominent figures from foreign nations. Presidents have invited monarchs and musicians, prime ministers and poets into their home. Many such visitors have recorded their thoughts and by doing so have provided a resource for future students to explore how

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Every Day is Presidents' Day at the White House

TEACHER'S TEXT:Why wait until February to learn about the history-making decisions of America’s most recognized leader? Since George Washington essentially invented the office of the president in the 1790s, the nation’s chief executive has rarely stayed on the sidelines when major events unfold. The westward movement, race relations, war, and space exploration are just a few of the


Foreword; White House History (Number 36)

Surrounding the President of the United States are clouds of relatives, moving about close and distant, that are ever marked by their association with him. Some live on in history attached to him; four presidents, Adamses and Bushes, have been father and son. The two presidents Roosevelt were relatives.White House History presents in this issue a series of stories